First published: 1965
Movie: Dune: Part One
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Starring: Timothee Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson, Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Bautista, Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, Zendaya, Stephen McKinley Henderson,
Release date: Oct. 21, 2021
Budget: $165 million
Box office: $300 million through Nov. 1, 2021
Bottom line: If you’ve seen Denis Villeneuve’s version of “Dune,” you know this isn’t recency bias. This movie delivers the goods, even though it only hits the halfway point of Frank Herbert’s seminal 1965 novel by the end.
Thankfully for movie fans all over the world, the success of “Dune” allowed Legendary and Warner Brothers to greenlight the theaters-only sequel, “Dune: Part Two,” and give it a release date of October 2023.
The big question now for Dune fans is who will play Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, one of the novel’s primary antagonists alongside Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. The role was originally played by Sting in David Lynch’s 1984 version of the film.