The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the sixth cheapest college on the list and the second of two North Carolina schools in the top ten.
With an an average total cost of $22,541 annually, (tuition and fees at $8,997, room and board costing $12,254, and about $1,290 for books and supplies), it’s a real steal, according to one alum, Jonathan, who says, ” When taking all factors into account, UNC-Chapel Hill may just be the top public university in the nation. At the lowest cost amongst its competitors, the most generous financial aid packages, top resources, top faculty, and one of the highest ROI outputs, Chapel Hill has topped the ‘Best Value Rankings’ for decades.
“Pair this fact with measurements for student happiness, campus culture, and location, and one cannot deny that this is an amazing school. I am a first-generation student, and my education at Carolina turned my life trajectory in an entirely positive direction. It was also the best few years of my life. I cannot recommend this school highly enough.”