Michael Scott is, well, what isn’t he? He’s like your cringy dad, your best friend, your favorite boss and a politically incorrect nightmare wrapped up in a slightly too big suit. He loves himself and hates himself at the same time, and what could make him more relatable than that?
“The Office” has no shortage of lovable characters, but Michael Scott is our favorite. And these Michael Scott quotes remind us that the show would have been nothing without him.
It’s 2022. It’s Time to Get Hurt Again.
Michael Scott’s love life is painfully relatable. How does one even meet someone without writing an awkward bio on a dating app these days?
Sounds Healthy
So you’d like a collection of insecure stalkers? Come to think of it, Michael would have loved that.
Murder. NBD.
It’s not 2002 anymore. Bleached boyband hair is a red flag. Ryan was obviously the worst, and we have no idea how Michael didn’t see it.
Close Enough
CPR is more relaxing than we remembered. The patient seems calm, so it’s probably fine.
Michael Might Roast Himself More Than Any Other Character
Michael’s combination of unbridled confidence and total lack of self-esteem is why we love him.
Oh, So It’s the Employees Making Him Look Bad. Right.
Takes one to know one, Michael.
We Will Be Using This Michael Scott Quote Daily
Can we use this excuse to avoid family reunions? At least it’s honest.
Bonus: You’ll never be invited again.
Nothing Like Some Healthy Competition
Behold, the words of a leader. Majestic.
Michael Scott Really Was a Danger to Himself, Wasn’t He?
Michael Scott is one of the few individuals who could land himself on a sex offenders registry completely by accident.
One of Michael’s Most Relatable, Pasta-Related Predicaments
Since capital punishment is banned, we should just force prisoners to work out the day after Thanksgiving. That might be worse.
Starting a New Self-Care Resolution Is Equal Parts Humbling and Horrifying
Why do so many things that are good for you feel so not?
Michael Scott, Shockingly, Isn’t Always Right
Michael Scott wouldn’t last 11 minutes without a visit from HR in a real office.
Been There, Done That
No work, no money. No money, no clothes. No clothes, no laundry. Problem solved.
That’s Like Playing Tokyo Drift and Then Trying to Join NASCAR
We’ve raced cars in video games before, so I’d say we’re ready for NASCAR.
Michael Somehow Has No Confidence and Too Much at the Same Time
We can respect Michael’s clinginess, but why cling to Jan? She was a nightmare.
He’s Practically the Father of Dad Jokes
What a Normal Question to Ask an Employee
Michael Scott Was Basically an HR Nightmare
Michael Scott’s Ideas Aren’t Always Good. Or Legal.
It’s Also a Good Thing He Didn’t Quit Dunder Mifflin to Become a Sommelier
Possibly the Healthiest Coping Mechanism Ever
Someone Has Definitely Used This Michael Scott Quote in Court
There’s No Telling What He Might Do
Including Offend Numerous Clients and Coworkers
Seriously, How Did Michael Never Get Fired?
Michael Scott Tried to Flex About the Weirdest Things, and We Love Him for It
That One Time He Tried to Comfort Acne Sufferers, and It Sort of Worked
Once Beyonce, Always Beyonce.